Cannabis and Pregnancy

Cannabis is also known as weed, marijuana, hashish, hash, and pot. There is no amount of cannabis that is known to be safe during pregnancy. For a woman who is pregnant, or who might become pregnant, researchers and doctors recommend that not using cannabis is the safest choice.

After Pregnancy (Postnatal)

Postnatal health refers to a mother’s health after giving birth and is generally defined as the period beginning immediately after the birth of the baby and extending for six weeks. New parents may be stressed, tired and anxious due to the changes necessitated by the arrival of their baby.

During Pregnancy (Prenatal)

Prenatal refers to the nine months during pregnancy and before delivery. Regular prenatal visits with a healthcare professional are important in order to monitor the development of the baby and pregnancy. A healthcare professional can also provide accurate information to help families make informed decisions regarding prenatal care and any treatment that may be necessary during and after the pregnancy.

Before You Become Pregnant

Folic acid is important in the prevention of neural tube defects. Neural tube defects are very serious and can be immediately fatal or result in conditions such as spina bifida or anencephaly. The neural tube is the embryonic structure that develops into the brain and spinal cord and normally closes by the 29th day of pregnancy. If a neural tube defect occurs, the backbone and spinal cord never closes completely.