Learning Objectives Identify evidence-based resources to share with clients and patients to help decrease or prevent alcohol use during pregnancy. Identify basic strategies to support FASD prevention within the pregnant population. Identify tools to start conversations about preventing FASD with participants, clients and patients.
The Supporting Parents Webinar Series focuses on topics to help parents and caregivers learn how to create environments that help children thrive. These webinars can be used as part of parenting groups or can be used by parents and caregivers independently. Interactive activities are used to share strategies and tips to enhance capacity to raise […]
Unstructured outdoor play is essential for healthy child development and often involves some element of risk. Grounded in current research and best practice, this webinar will review key definitions, present evidence on the physical, mental, emotional, and social health and well-being benefits of outdoor risky play, discuss how to address barriers to outdoor and risky […]
The Supporting Parents Webinar Series focuses on topics to help parents and caregivers learn how to create environments that help children thrive. These webinars can be used as part of parenting groups or can be used by parents and caregivers independently. Interactive activities are used to share strategies and tips to enhance capacity to raise […]
Public health plays many roles in helping to keep populations healthy, with vaccines playing a major role. Vaccines are well recognized as one of the most efficient, successful, and cost-effective public health investments in history. However, vaccines only work if vaccine acceptance is high. What can we do to increase and support high levels of […]
This presentation will explore the multifaceted impact of violence against women during the perinatal period. Participants will gain insights into three prevalent forms of violence - adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), intimate partner violence, and sexual assault, as well as their effects on breastfeeding and maternal mental health. The session will highlight how trauma symptoms (rather […]
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an effective way of talking with people about CHANGE. The Advanced MI training is designed for people who have taken an Introductory MI training and would like to deepen and strengthen their MI skills. This virtual interactive workshop includes the following objectives: Review and discuss content covered in Introductory MI Discuss […]
Public health plays many roles in helping to keep populations healthy, with vaccines playing a major role. Vaccines are well recognized as one of the most efficient, successful, and cost-effective public health investments in history. However, vaccines only work if vaccine acceptance is high. What can we do to increase and support high levels of […]
The Supporting Parents Webinar Series focuses on topics to help parents and caregivers learn how to create environments that help children thrive. These webinars can be used as part of parenting groups or can be used by parents and caregivers independently. Interactive activities are used to share strategies and tips to enhance capacity to raise […]
This presentation will explore common mental health issues faced by new parents. It will focus on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), including its recent updates and how to use it effectively for screening. Participants will learn essential steps to take after screening, such as creating action plans, referring individuals to appropriate services, and providing […]
Learning Objectives: Review key principles of trauma-informed practices. Understand how trauma-informed principles are applied to pregnant and parenting girls and women who used alcohol (in published literature). Learn about outcomes linked to trauma-informed practices. Learn about evidence-based recommendations for trauma-informed practices and policies at the program, organizational, and systems levels. Outline: Dr. Melody Morton Ninomiya's […]
Children's well-being depends on safe, nurturing environments with support, love, and consistent care. There are many pieces of the puzzle that are needed to help children thrive. This webinar will highlight new and existing resources from the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute for service providers to support parents and caregivers. This will include providing information on the […]
Learning Objectives: Outline the basic definition of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and recognize how prenatal alcohol exposure may impact the developing brain, Review the landscape of FASD assessment and diagnosis in Saskatchewan, Illustrate progress towards a functional and forward-thinking model for FASD assessment and diagnosis, Show why early diagnostic assessment and services are important […]
Starting the Conversations: Creating Space to Develop Health Communication Skills in the Classrooms for grades 4-9 is a resource that focuses on health-related topics such as healthy relationships, communication skills, diversity, self-esteem and personal identity, peer pressure, alcohol and alcohol-related harms, and the importance of seeking support. These lesson plans may help you "get out […]
This webinar, presented by the organization Save Rez Dogs, will provide information on the impact of the Indian Act and traditional historical context on animal welfare in First Nations communities, what ethical animal welfare is, and most importantly, how this is a human problem, not a dog problem. The goal of this presentation is to […]
This webinar will outline current syphilis and congenital syphilis trends in Indigenous communities throughout Saskatchewan, including a discussion regarding syphilis-related risk factors and inequities. Dr. Khan and Dr. Ndubuka will discuss solutions for the rising rates of syphilis and strategies for reaching communities most affected by syphilis.
This session will explore issues related to the exposure of young children to abuse, including delayed/disrupted attachment, short- and long-term impacts of stress and trauma, and strategies to support children who have been in care.
This webinar will outline the current trends of syphilis and congenital syphilis in Saskatchewan. Dr. Spence will discuss reasons for the rise of syphilis in Saskatchewan and explore innovative public health approaches to prevent syphilis. This webinar will also highlight strengths and opportunities in Saskatchewan regarding syphilis.
This webinar will discuss the importance of teaching healthy relationships and consent as part of comprehensive sexual health education. Centre for Sexuality will outline strategies to teach healthy communication and consent, and will explore methods to cultivate safe, supportive environments for learners. Trauma-informed approaches, as well as resources and activities, will be highlighted to support […]
This webinar will address the importance of nutrition during pregnancy, including the concept of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) and recommendations for energy, protein, fiber, and specific nutrients (e.g., folic acid, vitamin D, iron). Tools to maximize intake will also be discussed. The importance of focusing on overall dietary quality during pregnancy will […]
In the words of Gabor Maté, a renowned expert on trauma: “Safety is not the absence of threat, it is the presence of connection.” Children will always go through hard things that we will not be able to control or prevent. However, what can help children survive and even thrive through hardships is healthy connections […]
This webinar will outline feeding options for infants born to HIV+ birthing parents including breastfeeding, duration of zidovudine in infants born to low-risk HIV+ birthing parents, treatment of pediatric chronic hepatitis C infection, and other relevant emerging topics.
Children's voices have a long history of being excluded within injury prevention. With increasing calls to include children's voices in conversations on their injury prevention needs, and with increased attention given to children's right to be heard, there is a need for child-centered practice. Today, conversations on employing empowering relations, respectful engagement, and child-centered approaches […]
Mahli Brindamour is a paediatrician in Saskatoon. She has been a tuberculosis consultant with the Saskatchewan Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program since 2021. She co-founded in 2017 Saskatoon's Refugee Engagement and Community Health (REACH) Clinic, where she works with refugee children. She also provides outreach clinics to the northern Saskatchewan communities of Ile à la […]
In this session, Emily Kenny, Knowledge Broker at the Vanier Institute of the Family, will offer a panoramic overview of the key aspects that demand our attention when contemplating the diverse nature of families today. Drawing from the latest Census data releases, alongside insights from various StatCan surveys and a selection of smaller yet impactful […]
Alcohol use is a cause of substantial health, social and financial harms. This includes alcohol dependence, FASD, cancers, liver cirrhosis, interpersonal violence, and injury or death resulting from impaired drivers. The Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) is a research project that assesses how well governments in Canada are implementing policies proven to reduce harm from […]
This webinar will provide information on human trafficking and its scope provincially and nationally. Carly will outline risk factors and warning signs associated with human trafficking, and discuss differences between human trafficking and sex work. In addition, prevention strategies and evidence-based practices for supporting survivors will be discussed.
Injuries are the leading cause of childhood death and disability in Canada, and most of these injuries occur in the home. Fortunately, research shows that home safety support from a trusted professional can empower families to build safe spaces for their children and reduce the risk of a life-altering injury.
Focusing on the age range of 0-5 years, this presentation will include: A brief outline of the diagnostic process for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Saskatchewan, including how to connect with diagnosing professionals and service providers. Information about a variety of characteristics, strengths, and difficulties that children with autism may have. An overview of basic […]
Maintaining mental health is important to the well-being of pregnant and postpartum individuals, as well as to their children and families. The perinatal period (conception to one year post-birth) represents a critical time for providing intervention. Unfortunately, existing gaps in mental health services have been exacerbated during the pandemic and there is an urgent need […]
This session will explore the impact of a healthy prenatal development on the early years (0 to 6 years old), as a foundation for lifelong health. It will cover what happens during fetal development and why it's important to understand it, how to support a healthy pregnancy for better health outcomes for the mother and […]
This session will explore how the brain develops, how attachment and healthy brain development are closely linked, and how healthy relationships nurture the capacity to manage stress and build resiliency. During the presentation, Megan, Jackie and Connie will talk about strategies to help children and caregivers to strengthen the attachment bond.
In this presentation, Dawn Kellington will explore a framework for supporting children who are experiencing big emotions such as anger, frustration, and worry and who may be exhibiting challenging behaviours. She will offer a variety of practical suggestions to support regulation in children.
More children are injured falling out of beds than out of trees each year, yet many adults focus on new ways to constrain play. Today's children often lead sedentary lives with limited opportunities to explore the environment around them and develop the skills necessary to protect their overall health. The encroachment of safety in children's […]
This webinar will summarize findings from the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute report titled 'Grooming for the Purposes of Exploitation and Abuse: A Literature Review'. Specific topics that will be discussed include: an overview of grooming, prevalence and types of grooming, grooming processes, online grooming, information regarding victims and perpetrators of grooming, prevention and intervention strategies, and […]
This session will explore reasons why some families may not engage with services and supports. We will also explore what we learned from families about the support they needed and could not access during the pandemic. Discussion will include what agencies and policymakers need to be thinking about when reducing services during events such as […]
Having not received an FASD diagnosis until his late forties, RJ Formanek was startled to find how many of the strategies he had used throughout life were a result of FASD. In this webinar, RJ Formanek will share his experiences on how FASD affects the people who have it and how it impacts the world […]
Applying a Health Equity Lens to Injury Prevention Programming Presented by Parachute, Canada's national charity dedicated to preventing serious and fatal injuries, this presentation will describe equity-focused child injury prevention approaches and communication strategies. Drawing on Parachute's previous work, developing a Child Injury Prevention Course for professionals and delivering educational programming to families through centres […]
This webinar will outline the fundamentals of a trauma-informed care approach and its importance within sexual and reproductive healthcare. Attendees will learn strategies to employ a trauma-informed approach with patients/clients, including communication strategies. Resources and activities will be highlighted to aid care providers in providing trauma-informed care.
Join Diana Elliott and Sherry Sinclair in a reflective conversation about ACES, Adverse Childhood Experiences, that evolved from separate research in 1998 and from frontline workers and their experiences. Both Diana and Sherry come from a place of passion in their work and compassion and respect for communities and families they work with. In consideration […]
This presentation will discuss how brain and behaviour in children with low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure are altered compared to well-matched, unexposed controls. Magnetic resonance imaging measurements of human brain were used in their research, in conjunction with parent-reports of behaviour. We found that children with low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure (average = […]
This session will explore the research around adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and positive/protective childhood experiences (PCEs), and how this knowledge can help us better understand the experiences and needs of children and families and reduce the impact of toxic stress and trauma across the lifespan. During the presentation, Erin will talk about ACEs, PCEs, and […]
On March 30, 2022, from 1:00PM-4:00PM, the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute is offering a virtual training focussed on using motivatioal interviewing skills to open conversations and engage youth. This interactive workshop will provide adult allies with practical tools to build a trusted working relationship, to engage youth in meaningful conversations, and to support youth to consider […]
This webinar provides information on sexual health and wellness education to educators and professionals who support people with developmental disabilities (PWDD). Participants will learn about the importance of this education for PWDD, strategies and methods for delivery, and resources to aid them in this work.
This webinar will summarize findings from two Saskatchewan Prevention Institute reports on sexting: “An Environmental Scan of Online Resources Related to Sexting” and “Youth Sexting: A Critical Review of the Research Literature”. Specifically, sexting definitions, importance of this topic, potential risks and outcomes, sexting and the law, perspectives of sexting, and how educators and caregivers […]
This webinar for healthcare providers will provide an overview and information on contraceptive options in a Saskatchewan-specific context. Attendees will learn about the following topics:
Dr. Chadi will be presenting on youth vaping as an evolving trend, discussing both the short- and long-term health effects. This webinar will take a youth-centered approach, utilizing both a prevention and harm-reduction based strategy.
This webinar is aimed at healthcare and service providers working with pregnant people, those planning a pregnancy, and families with infants. Exposure to environmental toxicants can have an impact on an individual's health and development, and is of particular concern during preconception, pregnancy, and early childhood. After this session, participants will be able to:
A trauma-informed approach is one of the pillars to FASD prevention and an FASD-informed practice. We invite you to learn more about it in this full-day workshop encompassing:
Events from childhood can influence a woman's current mothering experience, as well as her health and well-being. Fortunately, these experiences do not have to be the blueprint for the rest of her life. This session provides an overview of recent research on the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and intimate partner violence (IPV). Also […]
Comprehensive sexual health education is a highly effective strategy for improving the well-being and sexual health outcomes of youth. Unfortunately, traditional sexual health education has often been critiqued for not being inclusive, not fitting the needs of 2SLGBTQ+ students, and even causing harm through the messaging used. Join us for this webinar with Natalya Mason, […]
This webinar will examine the importance of healthy weight gain for having a healthy pregnancy. It will provide information on recommendations for the amount of weight gain during pregnancy, the benefits of gaining the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy, and how healthcare providers can support mothers-to-be regarding their weight gain during pregnancy. The webinar […]
There is growing research interest in the adverse life experiences of people with prenatal alcohol exposure and FASD. In this webinar, we will: 1) provide an overview of adversity in FASD and associated vulnerabilities, 2) share findings of a recent study we conducted in this area, and 3) discuss how the environment can be a […]
This webinar examines the relationship between mothers' mental health and mother-infant sleep. If mothers have depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during pregnancy, it affects their babies' sleep, but other factors such as breastfeeding and infant sleep location can also have an impact. The key message of this session is that maternal mental health does […]
As an individual with FASD Myles will share from his own personal experiences of what it’s like having a disability that has so much negativity and stigma attached to it. By focusing on his abilities rather then his disability Myles has come to have a great amount of success personally and professionally. You will learn […]
Dr. Weiler’s talk discusses the prevalence and epidemiology of child maltreatment in the world, Canada, and Saskatchewan. He describes the role of a medical assessment in the context of a child maltreatment investigation. In addition, Dr. Weiler addresses some red flags and common child maltreatment presentations. Finally, he reviews the duty to report legislation and […]
In this webinar, participants will learn about ‘wine mom’ culture and how alcohol, particularly on social media, is used to subvert the idea of constant perfection that is often associated with motherhood. ‘Wine mom’ culture has grown on social networking sites, where mothers are using this community to discuss their experiences of motherhood in a […]
As part of the Youth-led Community Health Grant Program, this workshop offers introductory skill-building for youth in the area of grant writing. The workshop aims to build youth capacity in the area of project planning and developing a grant application to encourage a strong youth-led model. With over a decade of experience in non-profit governance […]
This webinar explores the use of Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as an HIV prevention tool during pregnancy. The webinar is primarily directed toward healthcare providers and pharmacists working with clients living with or at risk of HIV.
All children want to, and can, learn and grow. No child wants to fail. It feels good to succeed. Our job as parents, caregivers, and service providers is to adapt routines, activities, and environments to help children succeed. This webinar provides an introduction to adapting early childhood environments for children with FASD.
Trauma- and violence-informed care (TVIC) is an important frameworks for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) because of the many different ways that stigma, trauma, sexual health, and substance use are connected. This webinar is directed to health and allied health professionals along with frontline service providers working with clients […]
This webinar is aimed at providing evidenced-based information on the topic of safe infant sleep to healthcare providers and other professionals working with pregnant women and new parents. This session will cover infant-parental sleep practices in relation to breastfeeding and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It will also address what constitutes evidence-based medicine and the […]
Harold Johnson discusses the normalization of alcohol, its impact, and our ability to change. This webinar encourages us to have difficult conversations about alcohol and our need to mobilize for change. An overview of the Alcohol Strategy will be provided along with information outlining the Strategy’s approach and outcomes.
This webinar is directed toward teachers and health educators to increase their knowledge, skills, and capacity to deliver age-appropriate comprehensive sexual health education in their classrooms. This presentation will explore the factors that influence and inform human sexuality.
Receiving a diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the first step in connecting a child to the appropriate supports and beginning to plan for the future. This webinar will provide awareness and understanding of the multidisciplinary assessment for FASD in preschool children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Dr. Ana Hanlon-Dearman and Dr. Ghita Wiebe […]
This webinar is directed toward healthcare providers and allied health professionals and will discuss considerations and best-practices for trans and non-binary sexual health and pregnancy care.
This webinar is directed toward teachers and health educators to increase their knowledge, skills, and capacity to deliver age-appropriate comprehensive sexual health education in their classrooms. This presentation will focus on issues related to digital literacy that can impact sexual health and sexual decision making (i.e. media literacy, online safety, pornography use, sexting, etc.).
Tooth decay remains the most common chronic disease of childhood and the most common cause of day surgeries in Canada. Children with untreated tooth decay can suffer from malnutrition, poor growth, and a reduced oral health related quality of life. Recent evidence suggests that children with FASD may be at a higher risk for dental […]
Every child with FASD is unique. Every child has strengths and challenges. This webinar provides an introduction to common strengths and challenges and some strategies to help children succeed.
This webinar will provide an outline of the current state of HIV in rural/remote Saskatchewan, including challenges, risks, and resources, along with recommendations for prevention strategies and clinical care. This presentation will also address pregnancy and HIV in a rural setting, including care and transmission prevention.
Sexualized violence is an issue that impacts people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Currently, Saskatchewan has one of the highest rates of sexual victimization in Canada. The health implications of sexualized violence are broad as it can negatively influence mental health, substance use, sexual decision making, and the ability to thrive for those who […]
All children worry. Anxiety can be helpful and necessary. But for some children, it is a heavy weight to bear that changes how they interact with others and the world. It affects how they think, behave, and feel. It can lead to anger and aggression. It can even increase the risk suicide and self-harm. This […]
This webinar will cover the impacts of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) on the health of mothers and their infants; how to prevent and/or reduce its impact; how to address stigma; and ways to work with women and infants affected by NAS. The Registration for this webinar is now full. The webinar will be recorded and […]
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is complicated. Prenatal alcohol exposure impacts the brain and body. Each person is affected differently. Myles Himmelreich joins Marlene Dray and Bev Drew to help increase understanding of the complexities of FASD.
This webinar is directed toward teachers and health educators to increase their knowledge, skills, and capacity to deliver age-appropriate comprehensive sexual health education in their classrooms. This presentation will specifically address the topic of sexualized violence, support, and prevention.
This webinar is directed toward teachers and health educators to increase their knowledge, skills, and capacity to deliver age-appropriate comprehensive sexual health education in their classrooms. This presentation will specifically address the topic of anti-racism in sex education.
The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute and the Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) are pleased to co-sponsor this webinar. Sleep, or lack thereof, can be a problem for many people, but it can be a significant issue for those who have FASD. The aim of this presentation is to understand sleep disruption in FASD and discuss some […]
This webinar is directed toward teachers and health educators to increase their knowledge, skills, and capacity to deliver age-appropriate comprehensive sexual health education in their classrooms. This presentation will specifically address the topic of sexually transmitted infections and contraceptive options.
In response to the rising rates of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in Saskatchewan, this webinar is aimed at raising awareness about GDM and educating health and allied health practitioners about the risks, prevention, and management of GDM.
It is not easy to talk about FASD. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is complex. Much of the conversation around FASD makes it more complicated and increases stigma. This webinar will examine communication. Myles Himmelreich joins Marlene Dray and Bev Drew to discuss ways to change the conversation and increase understanding of FASD.
Dr. Nadine Thornhill has helped thousands of adults and youth learn and speak openly about consent, pleasure, relationships, and sexuality. This webinar is directed toward teachers and health educators to increase their knowledge, skills, and capacity to deliver age-appropriate comprehensive sexual health education in their classrooms.
The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute cordially invites you to an online interactive learning session on the My Saskatchewan Pregnancy App. To register, please email info@skprevention.ca.
Returning to school in a COVID world increases everyone’s stress. In this webinar, learn what stress is, what happens in the brain and body when experiencing stress, how behaviours are affected, and strategies for teachers and students to self-regulate.
This webinar is presented by Bev Drew and Marlene Dray, FASD Prevention Program Coordinators at the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute. It is an introduction to: This webinar is the first in a series of FASD prevention and awareness webinars that will be presented between now and March.
A concussion is a brain injury that can affect how the brain works. A child’s brain is still developing, thus prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pediatric concussion requires a unique approach.
This webinar provided information on: [av_iconlist_item title='The importance of education for parents and caregivers based on the current Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) recommendations; and ' icon='ue879' font='entypo-fontello' heading_tag='' heading_class='' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' av_uid='av-2wya6y1']
Rates of syphilis are on the rise in Saskatchewan. Pregnancy is an important time to screen for syphilis. The appropriate management of a pregnant woman with infectious syphilis, including early treatment of her baby, helps prevent serious adverse consequences. This webinar is targeted towards healthcare providers who assist with STBBI cases or contacts follow-up, and […]
Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in Canada. This webinar provides information about alcohol so we know what it really is; what happens when we use it; how it impacts us, our children, and our community; and how to reduce harms. The PowerPoint presentation was created by the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute. The PowerPoint with […]
To be effective at injury prevention, we need to recognize that the majority of injuries are predictable and preventable. Injuries remain the leading cause of death and hospitalization for children under 20 in Canada. Saskatchewan has a particularly high rate of child injury. Taking action is important for the health and well-being of children. This […]
Active play is a thrilling and exciting form of play that involves risk-taking, challenges, uncertainty, and problem-solving. Active play is important for children’s development as well as their physical and mental health. Sometimes active play can lead to physical injuries. How can we embrace active play? How do we minimize the risk of injury while […]
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The Supporting Parents Webinar Series focuses on topics to help parents and caregivers learn how to create environments that help children thrive. These webinars can be used as part of parenting groups or can be used by parents and caregivers independently. Interactive activities are used to share strategies and tips to enhance capacity to raise healthy, safe, and happy children. A recording of the webinar content and activity instructions will be available after each event.
This interactive webinar includes an overview of brain development and stress awareness, and introduces participants to the book My Curious Brain, the My Curious Brain Resource Room, and the My Curious Brain User Guide. These fun and educational resources can be used by parents and caregivers to teach children about how the brain works, big emotions, and how to manage them. With greater awareness of stress and how the brain works, children and the adults in their lives can develop self-regulation skills and strategies to help them effectively deal with stressors.
The Wonderful World of Parenting: Parenting Roles and Responsibilities
This interactive virtual session explores the various hats that parents and caregivers wear. Participants reflect on how they carry out and feel about their various roles and responsibilities. This session offers opportunities to understand why these roles are important, how responsibilities can be reframed, and why taking care of oneself is a crucial part of caring for others.
All children depend on the adults around them to provide safe, healthy environments to learn, grow, and develop new skills. This presentation supports parents and caregivers in preparing for each stage of child development to better predict and prevent injuries. Unintentional childhood injuries are predictable and preventable, yet they persist as a leading cause of hospitalization and death for children in Canada. By recognizing and addressing common hazards in a child’s environment, parents and caregivers can keep their children safe from life-altering injuries without any bubble wrap.
Pieces of the Puzzle: - An Introduction to the Webinar Series and the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute
Children’s well-being depends on safe, nurturing environments with support, love, and consistent care. There are many pieces of the puzzle that are needed to help children thrive. This webinar highlights new and existing resources from the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute for service providers to support parents and caregivers. It includes information on the Supporting Parents Webinar Series and how these webinars can be used in parent programming. Interactive activities share strategies and tips to enhance capacity to raise healthy, safe, and happy children.