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Stress Awareness and My Curious Brain

The Supporting Parents Webinar Series focuses on topics to help parents and caregivers learn how to create environments that help children thrive. These webinars can be used as part of parenting groups or can be used by parents and caregivers independently. Interactive activities are used to share strategies and tips to enhance capacity to raise […]

Assessment and Support of Preschoolers with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

Learning Objectives: Outline the basic definition of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and recognize how prenatal alcohol exposure may impact the developing brain, Review the landscape of FASD assessment and diagnosis in Saskatchewan, Illustrate progress towards a functional and forward-thinking model for FASD assessment and diagnosis, Show why early diagnostic assessment and services are important […]

Starting the Conversations

Starting the Conversations: Creating Space to Develop Health Communication Skills in the Classrooms for grades 4-9 is a resource that focuses on health-related topics such as healthy relationships, communication skills, diversity, self-esteem and personal identity, peer pressure, alcohol and alcohol-related harms, and the importance of seeking support. These lesson plans may help you "get out […]

Save Rez Dogs: Innovative Approaches to Increasing Community Safety

This webinar, presented by the organization Save Rez Dogs, will provide information on the impact of the Indian Act and traditional historical context on animal welfare in First Nations communities, what ethical animal welfare is, and most importantly, how this is a human problem, not a dog problem. The goal of this presentation is to […]

Syphilis in Saskatchewan

This webinar will outline the current trends of syphilis and congenital syphilis in Saskatchewan. Dr. Spence will discuss reasons for the rise of syphilis in Saskatchewan and explore innovative public health approaches to prevent syphilis. This webinar will also highlight strengths and opportunities in Saskatchewan regarding syphilis.

Teaching Sex-Ed: Healthy Relationships and Consent

This webinar will discuss the importance of teaching healthy relationships and consent as part of comprehensive sexual health education. Centre for Sexuality will outline strategies to teach healthy communication and consent, and will explore methods to cultivate safe, supportive environments for learners. Trauma-informed approaches, as well as resources and activities, will be highlighted to support […]

Child-Centered Injury Prevention: Practicing Empowering Relations

Children's voices have a long history of being excluded within injury prevention. With increasing calls to include children's voices in conversations on their injury prevention needs, and with increased attention given to children's right to be heard, there is a need for child-centered practice. Today, conversations on employing empowering relations, respectful engagement, and child-centered approaches […]

Pediatric TB in Saskatchewan – The Importance of Prevention, Screening, and Diagnosis

Mahli Brindamour is a paediatrician in Saskatoon. She has been a tuberculosis consultant with the Saskatchewan Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program since 2021. She co-founded in 2017 Saskatoon's Refugee Engagement and Community Health (REACH) Clinic, where she works with refugee children. She also provides outreach clinics to the northern Saskatchewan communities of Ile à la […]

Family Diversities and Family Demographics Across Canada

In this session, Emily Kenny, Knowledge Broker at the Vanier Institute of the Family, will offer a panoramic overview of the key aspects that demand our attention when contemplating the diverse nature of families today. Drawing from the latest Census data releases, alongside insights from various StatCan surveys and a selection of smaller yet impactful […]

Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE): Results for Saskatchewan

Alcohol use is a cause of substantial health, social and financial harms. This includes alcohol dependence, FASD, cancers, liver cirrhosis, interpersonal violence, and injury or death resulting from impaired drivers. The Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) is a research project that assesses how well governments in Canada are implementing policies proven to reduce harm from […]

Human Trafficking: Prevention and Intervention

This webinar will provide information on human trafficking and its scope provincially and nationally. Carly will outline risk factors and warning signs associated with human trafficking, and discuss differences between human trafficking and sex work. In addition, prevention strategies and evidence-based practices for supporting survivors will be discussed.

Supporting Children with Autism: Diagnosis, ASD Information, and Strategies

Focusing on the age range of 0-5 years, this presentation will include: A brief outline of the diagnostic process for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Saskatchewan, including how to connect with diagnosing professionals and service providers. Information about a variety of characteristics, strengths, and difficulties that children with autism may have. An overview of basic […]

FASD throughout the lifespan

Having not received an FASD diagnosis until his late forties, RJ Formanek was startled to find how many of the strategies he had used throughout life were a result of FASD. In this webinar, RJ Formanek will share his experiences on how FASD affects the people who have it and how it impacts the world […]

Feeling ‘Safe-Enough’ to Hear It: Communicating About Injury Prevention Using a Health Equity Lens and Trauma-Informed Approach

Applying a Health Equity Lens to Injury Prevention Programming Presented by Parachute, Canada's national charity dedicated to preventing serious and fatal injuries, this presentation will describe equity-focused child injury prevention approaches and communication strategies. Drawing on Parachute's previous work, developing a Child Injury Prevention Course for professionals and delivering educational programming to families through centres […]

Saskatchewan Child Abuse Protocol: Your Duty to Report Suspected Abuse

Dr. Weiler’s talk discusses the prevalence and epidemiology of child maltreatment in the world, Canada, and Saskatchewan. He describes the role of a medical assessment in the context of a child maltreatment investigation. In addition, Dr. Weiler addresses some red flags and common child maltreatment presentations. Finally, he reviews the duty to report legislation and […]

Youth Grant Writing Workshop with Jacq Brasseur

As part of the Youth-led Community Health Grant Program, this workshop offers introductory skill-building for youth in the area of grant writing. The workshop aims to build youth capacity in the area of project planning and developing a grant application to encourage a strong youth-led model. With over a decade of experience in non-profit governance […]

My Saskatchewan Pregnancy App: All You Need to Know

The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute cordially invites you to an online interactive learning session on the My Saskatchewan Pregnancy App. To register, please email


COVID, Stress Awareness,and Returning to School

Returning to school in a COVID world increases everyone’s stress. In this webinar, learn what stress is, what happens in the brain and body when experiencing stress, how behaviours are affected, and strategies for teachers and students to self-regulate.


Understanding Pregnancy and Alcohol

This webinar is presented by Bev Drew and Marlene Dray, FASD Prevention Program Coordinators at the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute. It is an introduction to: This webinar is the first in a series of FASD prevention and awareness webinars that will be presented between now and March.


Kids and Concussions: What do we know in 2019?

A concussion is a brain injury that can affect how the brain works. A child’s brain is still developing, thus prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pediatric concussion requires a unique approach.


Cannabis in Children and Youth – Paying Close Attention to Prevent Poisoning

This webinar provided information on: [av_iconlist_item title='The importance of education for parents and caregivers based on the current Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) recommendations; and ' icon='ue879' font='entypo-fontello' heading_tag='' heading_class='' link='' linktarget='' linkelement='' av_uid='av-2wya6y1']

Let’s Talk Syphilis: Mom and Baby

Rates of syphilis are on the rise in Saskatchewan. Pregnancy is an important time to screen for syphilis. The appropriate management of a pregnant woman with infectious syphilis, including early treatment of her baby, helps prevent serious adverse consequences. This webinar is targeted towards healthcare providers who assist with STBBI cases or contacts follow-up, and […]


Let’s Talk About Alcohol

Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in Canada. This webinar provides information about alcohol so we know what it really is; what happens when we use it; how it impacts us, our children, and our community; and how to reduce harms. The PowerPoint presentation was created by the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute. The PowerPoint with […]


Helping Young People Develop Porn Literacy

Dr. Marty Klein has been researching and lecturing about Internet pornography for two decades. This webinar will address the following questions:  


Taking Action to Keep Children Safe

To be effective at injury prevention, we need to recognize that the majority of injuries are predictable and preventable. Injuries remain the leading cause of death and hospitalization for children under 20 in Canada. Saskatchewan has a particularly high rate of child injury. Taking action is important for the health and well-being of children. This […]

Letting Children Explore, Learn, Take Risks and Play

Active play is a thrilling and exciting form of play that involves risk-taking, challenges, uncertainty, and problem-solving. Active play is important for children’s development as well as their physical and mental health. Sometimes active play can lead to physical injuries. How can we embrace active play? How do we minimize the risk of injury while […]

Saskatchewan Prevention Institute