Provincial Services for Women Living with HIV Who Have Experienced Violence and Abuse
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Report, 2012
This document outlines agencies (provincial and national) that provide services for women who have experienced abuse, sexual abuse, and/or have HIV. Descriptions and contact information (phone numbers and websites) are provided.
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A Review of Nutritional Recommendations for Pregnant Women Living with HIV
Report, 2012
Ensuring proper nutrition is a critical component of living with HIV as it is with being pregnant. The two conditions combined mean that pregnant women living with HIV are especially vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies and these women must monitor their nutritional status accordingly. The review provides general recommendations to address these issues.
SKU: 7-510Substance Use, Pregnancy, and HIV/AIDS: Treatment Programs for Pregnant Women
Report, 2012
This living document identifies existing substance use treatment programs and services available to pregnant women and pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS in North America, with a particular focus on Saskatchewan. The information provided through the current environmental scan is useful both for pregnant women who use substances who are seeking services, and for healthcare professionals, who can use this information to assist women in accessing services that are appropriate to their needs. Ideally, this would be done as part of a multidisciplinary team, where the referring professional continues to be involved in the care of the woman. It is hoped that the information provided will increase awareness of the existing substance use treatment centres and programs for pregnant women, with the goal of potentially increasing referrals to and use of these programs.
SKU: 7-509Group Prenatal Care Lit Review
Report, 2016
Group prenatal care is a model of group where eight to twelve women of similar gestational age meet as a group with their healthcare provider for 90-120 minutes of regularly scheduled appointments, starting in their second trimester and continuing throughout their pregnancy. During these appointments, each woman has a brief individual physical assessment with the healthcare provider and then participates in a group discussion led by a healthcare provider. All prenatal care is provided in this group setting, combining the usual physical assessment with peer support and increased time for education about healthy pregnancy. This report examines current research on group prenatal care to assess if it is a good model of care for Saskatchewan and if there is an improvement in birth outcomes and breastfeeding rates associated with using this model of care compared to individual prenatal care. Birth outcomes examined in this report are gestational age at birth, preterm birth, and low birth weight.
SKU: 2-903HIV, Pregnancy, and Tobacco Use
Information Card, 2019
This information card explains that for women living with HIV, smoking tobacco during pregnancy can increase the chances that HIV will be passed to the baby. Websites are listed to help pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy to quit or reduce their tobacco use.
SKU: 7-516