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Available Saskatchewan-Based Resources and Supports for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents
Report, 2019
Due to the potential adverse outcomes related to adolescent pregnancy and parenting, and in order to reduce the occurrence of these outcomes, it is important that pregnant and parenting adolescents are provided with appropriate resources and support. This report provides a snapshot of the available resources and supports for pregnant and parenting adolescents in Saskatchewan. It may be used to educate others about what is currently available, refine existing resources, inform program development, and/or address service provision gaps.
SKU: 7-537 -
Adolescent Pregnancy: Risk and Protective Factors
Report, 2017
Based on the literature review, “Adolescent Pregnancy in Saskatchewan: Best Practices for Prevention”, this summary highlights risk and protective factors associated with adolescent pregnancy, along with considerations for adolescent pregnancy prevention.
SKU: 7-534 -
Adolescent Pregnancy in Saskatchewan
Report, 2014
In Canada, rates of adolescent pregnancy remain among the highest in developed countries and rates in Saskatchewan are among the highest in Canada. In an effort to address the needs of Saskatchewan youth, the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute has developed this report to provide a picture of adolescent pregnancy in Saskatchewan and to identify best practices that my address the specific circumstances of Saskatchewan Youth.
SKU: 7-018 -
Adolescent Pregnancy in Saskatchewan: Best Practices for Prevention
Report, 2012
In Canada, rates of adolescent pregnancy remain some of the highest among developed countries (30.5 per 1,000 for women aged 15 to 19), and Saskatchewan has the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy and live births of the Canadian provinces (34.3 per 1,000 for women aged 15 to 19). The report includes promising practices that will guide the development of prevention programs that serve young people, both in the prevention of unintended pregnancy and in the promotion of healthy reproductive choices.
SKU: 7-513