• Child Death Review in Canada: A National Scan

    Child Death Review in Canada: A National Scan

    Report, 2016

    This report provides information about current child death review processes that exist in each of the provinces and territories in Canada, based on interviews with key informants in each region. Particular attention is paid to those provinces with a coordinated, multi-disciplinary, provincial child death review process. Recommendations and advice for others initiating a child death review process are also included.

    Report, 2016

    This report provides information about current child death review processes that exist in each of the provinces and territories in Canada, based on interviews with key informants in each region. Particular attention is paid to those provinces with a coordinated, multi-disciplinary, provincial child death review process. Recommendations and advice for others initiating a child death review process are also included.

    SKU: 2-460
  • Temperament


    Information Card, 2015

    This information card is about temperament, the inherent and unique traits that influence how we interact with the world. Caregivers will be provided with information on why it is important to understand their children’s temperaments and how it affects behaviour.

    Information Card, 2015

    This information card is about temperament, the inherent and unique traits that influence how we interact with the world. Caregivers will be provided with information on why it is important to understand their children’s temperaments and how it affects behaviour.

    SKU: 8-810
  • Hold onto Your Kids

    Hold onto Your Kids

    Video, 2008

    This DVD explores the importance of attachment in the development of children. In some cases, these relationships do not last for the length of time that children are still maturing. Often times, children turn their attachment relationship from caregivers to peers. However, peer relationships do not have the same benefits for the child as those with caregivers.

    Video, 2008

    This DVD explores the importance of attachment in the development of children. In some cases, these relationships do not last for the length of time that children are still maturing. Often times, children turn their attachment relationship from caregivers to peers. However, peer relationships do not have the same benefits for the child as those with caregivers.

    SKU: 8-V-804
  • Challenging Behaviours in Young Children, Techniques and Solutions

    Challenging Behaviors in Young Children: Techniques and Solutions

    Video, 2004

    This DVD highlights expert information from two books Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Classroom Settings: Creating a Place for all Children and Addressing Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Settings: A Teacher’s Guide. The DVD uses footage from a daycare setting to highlight concepts that are introduced by experts throughout the film. Special attention is paid to methods that can be used to teach young children how to problem solve.

    Audience: Parents and Early Childhood Educators

    Video, 2004

    This DVD highlights expert information from two books Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Classroom Settings: Creating a Place for all Children and Addressing Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Settings: A Teacher’s Guide. The DVD uses footage from a daycare setting to highlight concepts that are introduced by experts throughout the film. Special attention is paid to methods that can be used to teach young children how to problem solve.

    Audience: Parents and Early Childhood Educators
    SKU: 8-V-814
  • Power to Parent: Common Challenges

    Power to Parent: Common Challenges

    Video, 2011

    Dr. Neufeld discusses ways to address challenging behaviour in children while maintaining attachment relationships. The eight sessions are as follows:

    • Thinking developmentally when facing challenges
    • Recognizing the signs of trouble
    • Living with a sensitive child
    • Cultivating resilience in a child
    • Leading an alpha child
    • Disciplining a stuck child
    • Putting the developmental approach into practice

    Video, 2011

    Dr. Neufeld discusses ways to address challenging behaviour in children while maintaining attachment relationships. The eight sessions are as follows:

    • Thinking developmentally when facing challenges
    • Recognizing the signs of trouble
    • Living with a sensitive child
    • Cultivating resilience in a child
    • Leading an alpha child
    • Disciplining a stuck child
    • Putting the developmental approach into practice
    SKU: 8-V-807
  • Power to Parent: Helping Children Grow Up

    Power to Parent: Helping Children Grow Up

    Video, 2008

    This is part 2 of a 3-part series. This course is recommended for professional development purposes and should be used in a consecutive fashion as each session builds on previous information. As suggested by the title, the DVD speaks to the topic of helping children grow up. Sessions are broken down as follows:

    • Parents and the miracle of maturation
    • How to give children the rest they need to grow
    • Keys to independence, individuality, and responsibility
    • How to help children become their own persons
    • Keys to resilience, resourcefulness, and recovery
    • How to help children accept limits and adapt to circumstances
    • Keys to emotional and social maturity
    • Helping children become considerate and find their self-control

    Video, 2008

    This is part 2 of a 3-part series. This course is recommended for professional development purposes and should be used in a consecutive fashion as each session builds on previous information. As suggested by the title, the DVD speaks to the topic of helping children grow up. Sessions are broken down as follows:

    • Parents and the miracle of maturation
    • How to give children the rest they need to grow
    • Keys to independence, individuality, and responsibility
    • How to help children become their own persons
    • Keys to resilience, resourcefulness, and recovery
    • How to help children accept limits and adapt to circumstances
    • Keys to emotional and social maturity
    • Helping children become considerate and find their self-control
    SKU: 8-V-806
  • Power to Parent: The Vital Connection

    Power to Parent: The Vital Connection

    Video, 2012

    This is part 1 of a 3-part series. In this DVD, Dr. Neufeld examines the importance of the attachment relationship that children have with their caregivers and its continuance into adolescence. He discusses the difficulties that can occur if attachments to peers begin to compete with the attachment children have with their caregiver(s).

    Video, 2012

    This is part 1 of a 3-part series. In this DVD, Dr. Neufeld examines the importance of the attachment relationship that children have with their caregivers and its continuance into adolescence. He discusses the difficulties that can occur if attachments to peers begin to compete with the attachment children have with their caregiver(s).

    SKU: 8-V-805
  • The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics

    The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics

    Video, 2008

    This lecture series features Dr. Bruce Perry sharing information about the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. This series can be used for professional education. The series is separated into 8 parts as follows:

    • The neurodevelopmental lens
    • The response to threat
    • Memory and processing
    • Neurosociology: Relational neurobiology
    • Neglect
    • NMT: Principles
    • Clinical application of the NMT
    • Questions and Answers

    Video, 2008

    This lecture series features Dr. Bruce Perry sharing information about the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. This series can be used for professional education. The series is separated into 8 parts as follows:

    • The neurodevelopmental lens
    • The response to threat
    • Memory and processing
    • Neurosociology: Relational neurobiology
    • Neglect
    • NMT: Principles
    • Clinical application of the NMT
    • Questions and Answers
    SKU: 8-V-811
  • Understanding Traumatized and Maltreated Children: The Core Concepts

    Understanding Traumatized and Maltreated Children: The Core Concepts

    Video, 2004

    This DVD consists of seven, half-hour presentations focused on child maltreatment and trauma. Dr. Bruce Perry, from the ChildTrauma Academy, presents information on the following topics:

    • Challenging our beliefs
    • The amazing human brain
    • How the brain develops: The importance of early childhood development
    • Neglect: How poverty of experience disrupts development
    • The fear response: The impact of childhood trauma
    • Living and working with traumatized children
    • Violence and childhood

    Video, 2004

    This DVD consists of seven, half-hour presentations focused on child maltreatment and trauma. Dr. Bruce Perry, from the ChildTrauma Academy, presents information on the following topics:

    • Challenging our beliefs
    • The amazing human brain
    • How the brain develops: The importance of early childhood development
    • Neglect: How poverty of experience disrupts development
    • The fear response: The impact of childhood trauma
    • Living and working with traumatized children
    • Violence and childhood
    SKU: 8-V-810
  • The Six Core Strengths for Healthy Childhood Development

    The Six Core Strengths for Healthy Childhood Development

    Video, 2004

    In this DVD, Dr. Bruce Perry outlines the core strengths that, if developed in early childhood, help children to grow into creative, social, humane, and caring humans. These core strengths are only expressed if a child is given opportunities to develop them. They include attachment, self-regulation, affiliation, attunement, tolerance, and respect.

    Video, 2004

    In this DVD, Dr. Bruce Perry outlines the core strengths that, if developed in early childhood, help children to grow into creative, social, humane, and caring humans. These core strengths are only expressed if a child is given opportunities to develop them. They include attachment, self-regulation, affiliation, attunement, tolerance, and respect.

    SKU: 8-V-809
  • I Am Your Child Video Series: A Child with Special Needs

    A Child with Special Needs (I Am Your Child Series)

    Video, 2005

    Finding out that your child has special needs is the beginning of a remarkable journey. Whether your child is developmentally delayed or has a significant physical disability, you want your child to be happy and safe, and to develop to her fullest potential.

    In this video, families of children with special needs share their stories to help others in similar circumstances understand that, while every child is unique, there are common experiences, emotions, and challenges families are likely to encounter as they work to help their child.

    This video provides information on:

    • What to do when you find out that your child has a special need
    • Moving from confusion and grief to acceptance and empowerment
    • Finding answers and getting help
    • Speaking up as your child’s best advocate
    • The importance of looking beyond the diagnosis
    • Focusing on your child’s unique strengths

    Video, 2005

    Finding out that your child has special needs is the beginning of a remarkable journey. Whether your child is developmentally delayed or has a significant physical disability, you want your child to be happy and safe, and to develop to her fullest potential.

    In this video, families of children with special needs share their stories to help others in similar circumstances understand that, while every child is unique, there are common experiences, emotions, and challenges families are likely to encounter as they work to help their child.

    This video provides information on:

    • What to do when you find out that your child has a special need
    • Moving from confusion and grief to acceptance and empowerment
    • Finding answers and getting help
    • Speaking up as your child’s best advocate
    • The importance of looking beyond the diagnosis
    • Focusing on your child’s unique strengths
    SKU: 5-V-513
  • I Am Your Child Video Series: For the Child – Information on Mental Health and Advocacy for Resource Parents

    For the Child: Information on Mental Health and Advocacy for Resource Parents (I Am Your Child Series)

    Video, 2007

    • Understand the most common children’s mental health problems
    • Navigate the local mental health service delivery system
    • Develop alliances with birth parents, school systems, mental health providers, and case workers
    • Feel increased comfort with seeking mental health services
    • Recognize the rights and responsibilities of foster children, birth parents, kinship providers, foster parents, and caseworkers
    • Identify who to call, what to say, and where to go to obtain the right services for the children in their care
    • Be an effective advocate for the children in their care

    Video, 2007

    • Understand the most common children’s mental health problems
    • Navigate the local mental health service delivery system
    • Develop alliances with birth parents, school systems, mental health providers, and case workers
    • Feel increased comfort with seeking mental health services
    • Recognize the rights and responsibilities of foster children, birth parents, kinship providers, foster parents, and caseworkers
    • Identify who to call, what to say, and where to go to obtain the right services for the children in their care
    • Be an effective advocate for the children in their care
    SKU: 5-V-516
  • A Simple Gift: Helping Young Children Cope with Emotions

    A Simple Gift: Helping Young Children Cope with Emotions

    Video, 2000

    Negative emotions (anger, sadness, fear, jealousy) and the difficult behaviours that may follow (temper tantrums, whining) are normal in young children. Research has shown that not learning to manage negative emotions in the early years may result in later problems. This videotape suggests how parents can help young children understand their difficult feelings and express these feelings in ways that are socially acceptable. The information is presented in clear language and is suitable for parents from many cultures.

    Video, 2000

    Negative emotions (anger, sadness, fear, jealousy) and the difficult behaviours that may follow (temper tantrums, whining) are normal in young children. Research has shown that not learning to manage negative emotions in the early years may result in later problems. This videotape suggests how parents can help young children understand their difficult feelings and express these feelings in ways that are socially acceptable. The information is presented in clear language and is suitable for parents from many cultures.

    SKU: 5-V-512
  • The Secret Life of the Brain

    The Secret Life of the Brain

    Video, 2001

    The following DVDs are part of a series entitled “The Secret Life of the Brain”.

    • Episode One: The Baby’s Brain: Wider than the Sky
    • Episode Two: The Child’s Brain: Syllable from Sound
    • Episode Three: The Teenage Brain: A World of Their Own
    • Episode Four: The Adult Brain: To Think by Feeling
    • Episode Five: The Aging Brain: Through Many Lives

    This series examines brain development and function throughout the lifetime, from prenatal development to later life. Presenting personal stories, the series highlights various diseases and disabilities, and describes the cutting edge research and resulting knowledge about the brain.

    Video, 2001

    The following DVDs are part of a series entitled “The Secret Life of the Brain”.

    • Episode One: The Baby’s Brain: Wider than the Sky
    • Episode Two: The Child’s Brain: Syllable from Sound
    • Episode Three: The Teenage Brain: A World of Their Own
    • Episode Four: The Adult Brain: To Think by Feeling
    • Episode Five: The Aging Brain: Through Many Lives

    This series examines brain development and function throughout the lifetime, from prenatal development to later life. Presenting personal stories, the series highlights various diseases and disabilities, and describes the cutting edge research and resulting knowledge about the brain.

    SKU: 8-V-802
  • Making Sense of Play

    Making Sense of Play

    Video, 2011

    In this two-hour seminar, Dr. Gordon Neufeld explores what play is, the benefits of play, and what is needed for children to play. Dr. Neufeld explains that play is not an option; it is a developmental requirement. Through various examples, he explores the three basic tenants of play: 1) Play is not work, 2) Play is expressive and exploratory, and 3) Play is “not for real”.

    Video, 2011

    In this two-hour seminar, Dr. Gordon Neufeld explores what play is, the benefits of play, and what is needed for children to play. Dr. Neufeld explains that play is not an option; it is a developmental requirement. Through various examples, he explores the three basic tenants of play: 1) Play is not work, 2) Play is expressive and exploratory, and 3) Play is “not for real”.

    SKU: 8-V-803