The Supporting Parents Webinar Series focuses on topics to help parents and caregivers learn how to create environments that help children thrive. These webinars can be used as part of parenting groups or can be used by parents and caregivers independently. Interactive activities are used to share strategies and tips to enhance capacity to raise healthy, safe, and happy children. A recording of the webinar content and activity instructions will be available after each event.
This interactive webinar includes an overview of brain development and stress awareness, and introduces participants to the book My Curious Brain, the My Curious Brain Resource Room, and the My Curious Brain User Guide. These fun and educational resources can be used by parents and caregivers to teach children about how the brain works, big emotions, and how to manage them. With greater awareness of stress and how the brain works, children and the adults in their lives can develop self-regulation skills and strategies to help them effectively deal with stressors.