• 4-900: Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome)

    Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome)

    Fact Sheet, Revised 2019

    Explains what abusive head trauma is, including how and why it happens, the long-term effects, and how it can be prevented. Aimed at health professionals and service providers who work with families. For information aimed at caregivers, see When Your Baby Can’t Stop Crying (resource 4-902).

    Fact Sheet, Revised 2019

    Explains what abusive head trauma is, including how and why it happens, the long-term effects, and how it can be prevented. Aimed at health professionals and service providers who work with families. For information aimed at caregivers, see When Your Baby Can’t Stop Crying (resource 4-902).

    SKU: 4-900
  • Helping Young Children Cope with Stress: Developing Resiliency

    Helping Young Children Cope with Stress: Developing Resiliency

    Fact Sheet, 2010

    This fact sheet helps professionals and communities understand their roles in helping young children to develop resiliency. Resilience is the ability to cope with and recover from stressful situations, changes, or problems.

    Fact Sheet, 2010

    This fact sheet helps professionals and communities understand their roles in helping young children to develop resiliency. Resilience is the ability to cope with and recover from stressful situations, changes, or problems.

    SKU: 8-602
  • Trauma, Stress, and Young Children

    Trauma, Stress, and Young Children

    Fact Sheet, 2010

    Many people believe that young children are not affected by stress and trauma. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Brain development, attachment, and emotional regulation can all be impacted by stress and trauma. This fact sheet outlines the differences between positive and negative stress as well as tolerable and toxic trauma. Professionals are given practical tips for working with children who have been traumatized.

    Fact Sheet, 2010

    Many people believe that young children are not affected by stress and trauma. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Brain development, attachment, and emotional regulation can all be impacted by stress and trauma. This fact sheet outlines the differences between positive and negative stress as well as tolerable and toxic trauma. Professionals are given practical tips for working with children who have been traumatized.

    SKU: 8-502
  • Intimate Partner Violence and Young Children

    Domestic Violence and Young Children

    Fact Sheet, 2015

    Intimate partner violence (domestic violence, partner abuse) refers to abuse that occurs within an intimate relationship. Intimate partner violence can happen in any intimate relationship regardless of income, length, living arrangements, marital status, or social status. This fact sheet discusses the impact of witnessing intimate partner violence on young children.

    Fact Sheet, 2015

    Intimate partner violence (domestic violence, partner abuse) refers to abuse that occurs within an intimate relationship. Intimate partner violence can happen in any intimate relationship regardless of income, length, living arrangements, marital status, or social status. This fact sheet discusses the impact of witnessing intimate partner violence on young children.

    SKU: 8-302